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Sketchup pro 2016 uninstall free
Sketchup pro 2016 uninstall free -
Extreme care should always be taken and the output from the software thoroughly checked before sending it to a CNC machine. The information in this manual may be subject to change without any prior notice. The software described in this manual is supplied under the terms and conditions of the software license agreement and may only be used in accordance with the terms of this agreement.
Vectric Ltd. Web: www. This manual is designed to provide a comprehensive description of all the functions, tools, menus and icons available within the VCarve Pro software package.
At the bottom of the page you will see an area with View All Help. This will download all the Help Documentation as a single web page which is useful for searching or if you need to create a paper copy of the documentation.
Please note that this document is a Reference Manual. VCarve Pro also includes an extensive selection of video tutorials, which are accessible from the Tutorial Video Browser link when application first starts. These tutorials cover every aspect of VCarve Pro 's functionality and range in complexity from a beginner's overview, to advanced features and principles. They are intended to be extremely accessible by level of experience or topic and use real-world examples throughout.
Videos can be watched online, or installed locally. We welcome any comments on this manual or the other training material, please email support vectric. Click on any of the choices to show a Drop-Down list of the available commands.
The Design Panel is on the left side of the screen. This is where the Drawing , Modeling, Clipart and Layers tab can be accessed and the icons within the tabs to create a design.
On the Drawing tab you will find the tools for creating, editing, sizing and alignment of vectors. On the modeling tab are all the tools that relate to the management and manipulation of 3D components, as well as the Component Tree , which shows you the 3D components and allows you to define how they are combined to form the final composite 3D model. The 3D Clipart allows simple graphical access to any 3D models that are installed on your computer and the Layers tab allows easy management of layers in the job.
The Toolpath Tab is on the right side of the screen. The Top section of the toolpaths tab houses all of the icons to create, edit and preview toolpaths. The bottom half shows you toolpaths that you have already created. The 2D Design window is where the design is drawn, edited and selected ready for machining. Designs can be imported or created directly in VCarve Pro. This occupies the same area as the 3D View and the display can be toggled between the two using F2 and F3 or the tabs at the top of the window.
The 3D View is where the composite model, toolpaths and the toolpath preview are displayed. If you wish to see the 2D and 3D views simultaneously, or you wish to switch your focus to the Toolpaths tab at a later stage of your design process, you can use the interface layout buttons accessible in the 2D View Control section on the Drawing Tab to toggle between the different preset interface layouts. VCarve Pro includes two default layouts, one for designing and one for machining, which can automatically and conveniently set the appropriate auto-hide behavior for each of the tools pages.
Toggle layout buttons on each of the tools pages allow you to switch the interface as your focus naturally shifts from the design stage to the toolpathing stage of your project. If a tools page is auto-hidden because it is currently unpinned, see pinning and unpinning tools pages, below , then it will only appear as a tab at the side of your screen.
Move your mouse over these tabs to show the page temporarily. Once you have selected a tool from the page, it will automatically hide itself again. The auto-hide behavior of each tools page can be controlled using the push-pin icons at the top right of the title area of each page. VCarve Pro has two default tool page layouts that are designed to assist the usual workflow of design, followed by toolpath creation.
In all three of the tools tabs there are 'Switch Layout' buttons. In the Drawing and Modeling tabs, these buttons will shift the interface's focus to toolpath tasks by 'pinning-out' the Toolpaths tools tab, and 'unpinning' the Drawing and Modeling tools tabs. In the toolpaths tab, the button reverses the layout - unpinning the toolpaths page, and pinning-out the Drawing and Modeling pages. You can toggle between these two modes using the F11 and F12 shortcut keys. Your project is represented using 2D and 3D workspaces, each viewed via independent windows called the 2D View and 3D View , respectively.
This division usefully maps to the typical workflow in which you will initially focus on the 2D design and layout of your project before moving to the 3D stage of modeling, toolpathing and previewing your finished part. You can switch between the views using the tabs at the top of each window. In addition the shortcut-keys F2 and F3 will toggle the display between the two windows.
It is sometimes useful to see both the 2D and 3D representations at the same time. The Page Up and Page Down keys will arrange the 2 views either horizontally or vertically so you can see both workspaces simultaneously.
To return to the tabbed display, simply click on the standard Windows Maximize button in the top right corner of either view window. From within each view you can also directly interact with the objects that make up your job using the Object Selection Tools. Click and hold the Left mouse button and drag the mouse about to Pan - Esc to cancel mode.
Click top left corner, hold mouse down and drag to bottom right corner and release. The first stage in any project is to create a new blank part or import some existing data to work with. At this stage a number of parameters need to be defined relating to the size of the part and its position relative to the datum location on the CNC machine. Later, once the part has been defined and you have started working, you may want to change the size of the material, import additional data and generally manage the project operation.
In this section of the manual the initial creation of a part will be covered along with all the icons which appear under the File Operations section of the Drawing Tab. When you first start the program you will see the Startup Task options on the left hand tab and also a list of your 4 most recently opened VCarve Pro parts this is a rolling list that will be populated each time you run the software and may initially be empty.
When you first start the program you will see the Startup Task options on the left hand tab and also a list of your most recently opened VCarve Pro parts. The first choice is whether you want to Create a new file or Open an existing one. The process to do this will be covered in the next section Job Setup Form Options. The second choice, Open an Existing File , will allow you to open a pre-created file from your computer.
The Tutorial Video Browser will open your default web browser typically Internet Explorer, Chrome or Firefox - depending on your Windows setup and personal preference.
The web browser offers a number of tutorial videos and associated files, presented either by project or feature category to help you to learn about the software. You will initially need internet access to watch or download the videos or files, but, once downloaded, the materials can be used offline. This section includes direct links to useful websites and web resources - including clipart and projects for you to purchase, download and incorporate into your own designs.
These links will also open in your default web browser and you will need internet access to use them. VCarve Pro has the ability to create a project where your design requires you to cut both sides of your material.
Typically you will cut the top surface of your material, then manually turn the material block over on your machine, whilst maintaining a common registration position, and cut the bottom surface using a second set of toolpaths. By specifying a two-sided project using the Job Setup form and indicating how you intend to flip the material over on your machine, you can allow the registration and organisation of the geometry, toolpaths and previews relating to each side of the design to be managed by the software.
During the design process you can then switch between the top and bottom surface of your design, create toolpaths for each side and view a preview of the material - including after it has been cut from both directions.
Once you are happy with the result you can then save the toolpaths relating to each side independently. In the Job Setup dialog, you can pick whether you want to create a single-sided or a double-sided job. You can change this setting later if you wish. The initial Z-Zero Position you will be using for the toolpaths relating to each side is set from the Job Setup dialog.
You can choose to Z-Zero from the same material surface for both sides, the machine bed for both sides or you can opt to Z-Zero from each side indepenendently. Your choice depends on the nature of your design. Typically, if you are only intending to carve into the surface on each side then you will Z-Zero each independently after you have physically positioned the material on your machine.
If your design involves cutting through the material and the Z depths for each side must coincide precisely, however, then you will usually wish to use a common Z position for both sides. You can change the Z-Zero settings for each side subsequently using the Material Setup form. In order to correctly manage the alignment of the geometry relating to each side, it is important that the software knows whether material will be flipped vertically or horizontally during the physical machining process.
Flip Direction Between Sides determines the automatic transformation of the drawings, models or toolpaths associated with each side. If the material block will be flipped horizontally then the software will automatically mirror your data to mimick the relative positions each side.
The first icon indicates which flip direction option has been specified for this project. It will ininitially be set to display the Top Side of your design. Any drawing or toolpath creation will be associated with the Top Side and this is known as the active side. To work on the other side of your design you will first need to make the Bottom Side active.
Click on the Toggle Side button in the View Toolbar to switch the active side between top and bottom. Alternatively, you can use the number key shortcuts: 1 will make Top Side active and pressing 2 will make the Bottom Side active. When toolpaths are created in a two-sided job they are automatically associated with the active side from which they were created. This helps you to keep track of which side of your job each toolpath is for.
The toolpath list will only display the toolpaths for the current active side and this is indicated in the heading, which will read Toolpaths Top or Toolpaths Bottom accordingly. Changing the active side using 1 or 2 , for example will cause the toolpaths list to also swap the displayed set of toolpaths.
This will simulate toolpaths cutting both sides of your job regardless of the currently active side so that you can see the combined result of your toolpaths in a single, solid, 3D representation of the final job.
Saving your toolpaths from a two-sided job is done independently for each side. Save the toolpaths for the currently active side, then make the other side active using 1 or 2 and save out the toolpaths for the other side. This tab includes the library browser that allows you to add folders containing V3M Files into the software or you can use the local files option that allows you to quickly see the contents of several folders of V3M files in one place.
By default the Clipart tab can be found on the left-hand side of the VCarve Pro main window, alongside the Drawing , Modeling and Layers tabs. You can swap between these pages by clicking on the page names at the top of the tab. Note: It is possible to customize VCarve Pro 's interface by undocking and repositioning its tabs. If your Clipart tab is not visible next to the Drawing and Modeling tabs, please refer to the Overview of the Interface chapter of the Manual for details on working with VCarve Pro 's tabs.
Note: For CRV files that contain components, these components will not be imported into the new session - only the vectors will be imported. To import a file as a piece of clipart you can simply double click its thumbnail to position the clipart in the center of the job.
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